Monday, January 19, 2009

Congratulations Obama!!

     I must admit that, I am an avid Mitt Romney supporter, but over the course of the election, I found that it's impossible not to admire Barack Obama.  I just wanted to note that it's a big accomplishment for him to become the fist African American president in the Western world the day after Martin Luther King day.  Here's to Obama, you made the history books, and I'm sure Dr. King would be very proud!  Good luck at the inauguration tomorrow Mr. President!


- Note
        Don't forget to watch Gossip Girl tonight, I'll give you an update on it tomorrow! 


Susan English Mason said...

The most important thing about the inauguration was that his two girls were wearing none other than J Crew! Did you know it? So many people wanted their styles that J Crew's Web site crashed. For real. Love your blog; very upbeat.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. Ya, I heard about that J.Crew thing, and that's soo cool. I love J. Crew!