Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where the Spring Rises in the Morning (a.k.a. not Boston at the moment)


One a kind of annoying first note I must apologize for not posting on my blog dreaming in plaid for a very long time.  But as you would assume from my last post I have been very busy as the end of winter term and prep school decisions have arrived.  Unfortunately, I will not be making any posts on this blog for a while since I will be in Florida for spring break which is the majority of March.  On a happy note, I will be meeting up with some of my friends, going to the beach, shopping and most importantly going to Fort Myers for the Red Sox spring training!  However, once I arrive back home at the beginning of spring term I will give you an update on vacation, any preppy cute outfits I have caught site of, the Red Sox, and of course the coming of softball at last!
