Monday, January 19, 2009

Ice Cream at 29 Degrees Fahrenheit........ Yummy

       Today my friend D and I decided to stop by the Coldstone's near our school for ice cream, despite that fact that it was about three degrees below freezing.  I had a like it size cup of dark chocolate peppermint stick ice cream with candy cane mix-ins, and it was sooo good.  If your bored and need an afternoon pick-me-up you should definitely try this.  However, don't try this too often, because the calories can add up quickly.  Instead, you should try making some lower calorie versions of your favorite sweets at home.  My personal favorite is the chocolatly chip frapachino Norah style, and now my friend J and I make them everytime we have a sleepover.  All you have to do is throw some chocolate chunks, skim milk, low fat chocolate sauce, and some ice cubes into a blender and mix until you find your favorite constancy.  They are really good, and if you make whip cream, you can add some to the top when you finished making them.



Deborah said...

or a smoothie for even less calories, and more vitamins and antioxidants (haha my bff)

btw: omg are you going to come over???

Susan English Mason said...

Only someone who braves the cold of Boston would eat ColdStone when it's 3 degrees. LOL. The frapp sounds yummo.