Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ARod Finally Caught for Being an Idiot

           As of yesterday, one of my most hated Yankees(second only Johnny Damon) was at last prosecuted for being an idiot.  As of now he is being tried for illegal use of steroids.  The second most recent news about athletes and their use of drugs, one word Michael Phelps.  I was so sad, as most of you know he recently went to the Beijing Olympics and broke tons of records with eight gold medals in 2008.  He first went to the Olympics in 2004, and I have been a huge fan ever since (yes back when nobody knew him.) I was in love with him in 3rd grade, and was convinced that I was going to marry him, you can go to my friend D's blog and ask her all about in (hehe) her blog is  called Fashionably Late.  On the note of sports, I have great news!  This March when I'm on vaca in Florida, I'm driving down to Fort Myers from my beach house to go to Red Sox spring training with my family. YAYAYAYA, I've always wanted to go.  Also please vote on my blog layout poll (afterall this is the third time I've changed it) btw thanks to D for changing it for me.  



Deborah said...

the poll isn't working so i'll go with the tartan plaid :]